We left Fr. Miguel, Ignacio, and Eduardo enjoying a much needed day of rest in San Salvador, El Salvador. But today is a new day, and the journey resumes!
5 August
The team hit the road, headed for Puma San Martin, El Salvador.

When they arrived, they were greeted by Lilian, Moises, and Don Jose. Fr. Miguel reports, “They hosted us with such joy that we felt the love of God in a special way.”

I’m really enjoying sharing the journey with Fr. Miguel and friends via all the pictures he sends. By far my favorite part is meeting the lovely people who have been so good to the team along the way. We never know how much our gestures of hospitality will mean to those we welcome.
6 August
On today’s hike, there were beautiful sights to see, including Lake Ilopango and its surrounding gardens. Fr. Miguel took advantage of the lovely view to send us a special message.
The destination today was El Carmen, El Salvador.
Praise God, there is always a lovely family willing to open their home to three weary travelers. In El Carmen, the hosts were the Palacios-Martinez family. I hope they know how deeply they are appreciated!

My next report will get us all caught up with Fr. Miguel and friends. And there will be (drumroll…) a MAP!!! Coming soon to an inbox near you!
Love this website. Pictures are beautiful and evidence of the joy (and the immensity) of this trek to San Jose, Costa Rica. Prayers for Fr. Miguel and his companions for safety and success!