16 September
Fr. Miguel, Ignacio, Eduardo, and Leo have been walking through some fairly rural and sometimes remote areas.

Today they set out early from Barranca to head for Cambronero.

The sun was just coming up as they set out.

When they can, the team likes to take alternative routes to avoid the traffic along the highway.

This way they get to see a few things up close and personal that they wouldn’t get to see along the highway. Where else would you get this sort of perspective on a railroad bridge?

Sometimes a change of scenery brings a smile to the face. At the moment, the team is enjoying the walk along a small country road.

As usual, Leo’s looking for a good cell signal.

How would you like to wake up to this view every morning?

El Cristo Blanco, or the White Christ, was erected near Esparza, along the Pan-American Highway, on an outcropping of rock about 40 feet high.

Since 2000, people from surrounding communities have gathered at 1:00 in the afternoon on Jubilee Day (1 January) to serenade Christ. They sing and give thanks to Christ for His coverage and protection during the previous year and to ask His blessings on the year to come.

It is quite a festive time. Many attendees bring refreshments and sandwiches to share with others after the singing has come to an end. Gifts of flowers are left all through the year.

There are a few traffic signs in Costa Rica that you would never see in the United States. This one says, “Wildlife crossing. Slow down. Stop if you see an animal.”
The animals depicted are the sloth, the jaguar, and the anteater…all native to Costa Rica.

Rain forced the team to seek shelter. They found some in a convenient drain pipe under the road.
So Fr. Miguel took the opportunity to record a short message for us.

Searching the internet for references to Cambronero doesn’t produce much. But the team did find this small chapel dedicated to Saint Joseph in the village of Cambronero.

When the team reached Cambronero, they took a taxi into San Ramón. Their lodging for the night was at the Convent of the Discalced Carmelites in San Ramón.

Fr. Javier and the rest of the community offered wonderful hospitality for the evening.
The countdown is on! The team is just a few days away from San José, the end of the road! But there are still a few adventures waiting before we arrive. We hope you’ll stick around to see what happens!
More wonderful pics. Loved the message from Fr. Miguel. Continued prayers.