Day 14: San Salvador, El Salvador

Please forgive my silence over the last few days. I’ve had several “behind the scenes” jobs to do, as well as a couple of family projects. Meanwhile, Fr. Miguel, Ignacio, and Eduardo have been pressing on, and it’s past time to report on their progress.

3 August

In the morning, Fr. Miguel the guys said goodbye to the Carmelite Sisters of San José and thanked them for the wonderful hospitality they had enjoyed in Sitio del Niño.

Carmelite Sisters of San José

Later the team met up with some old friends, Lupita Aguilar, Arturo and Olga Sagastume, and their son Diego. (Arturo is not pictured.)

Good Friends

The walk today was very difficult. In addition to the heat and traffic, the slant of the path was unusually hard on the feet and ankles.

Challenging Path!

Fr. Miguel reported that, by the end of the day, their feet were quite sore. They were grateful to be able to look forward to a rest day. Finally, they made it to their destination, San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador.

4 August

Rest day in San Salvador! The team enjoyed the hospitality of Fr. Mario and the seminarians at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Fr. MIguel and company visited San Salvador Cathedral where workers were preparing for the celebration of the feast of “El Salvador del Mundo” (Savior of the World).

Preparing for the Feast of “El Salvador del Mundo”

Even rest days seem to have plenty of activity!

There’s much more to report, but this email is getting too full. So I’ll just get busy on another one so that y’all won’t miss a thing! I hope you’re enjoying the journey as much as I’m enjoying sharing it with you. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support!